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Mathieu Pruvot, DVM, PhD

I received my Doctorate of Veterinary Medecine (DVM) in France. During my veterinary education, I specialized in the field of veterinary epidemiology and epidemiological surveillance of tropical diseases. I pursued a MSc in epidemiology and biostatistics in France, and conducted my MSc research at UC Davis, CA, USA. In 2014, I completed a PhD at the University of Calgary, AB, Canada, on assessing the risk of pathogen transmission between wildlife and livestock in western Canada. Following my PhD, I worked for the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) as a veterinary epidemiologist between 2014 and 2020 on a range of projects linking wildlife health and conservation and aiming to improve global wildlife disease surveillance. I was first based in Cambodia for 4 years, and then at Colorado State University (Fort Collins, CO, USA) for  2 years, where I was also an affiliate faculty member within the department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology.

I am now an Assistant Professor at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, department of Ecosystem and Public Health. I continue working as affiliate wildlife epidemiologist with WCS on various projects globally.


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